Police on Friday released tentative but positive news in the search for a missing boy and his murder-suspect father. Ian Aguilar, 10, is believed to be in Mexico with family, officers said in a news release obtained by KDFW. He is apart from his father, murder suspect Juan Aguilar-Cano, 38, they said.
Cops are still working on bringing back Ian to the United States to be with his family here, and to bring back Aguilar-Cano to face justice for allegedly murdering the child’s mother, Zuleika Lopez-Arzate, 48.
“We now have hope and reason to believe Ian is okay,” said police in Wilmer, Texas. “Our investigation continues, and will continue, until we have absolute verification Ian is not in danger.”
Lopez-Azate’s daughter reportedly found her dead inside her home on Tuesday night. Ian was nowhere to be found.

Police are looking for Ian Aguilar, 10, and his murder-suspect father, Juan Aguilar-Cano, after the child’s sister found the mother, Zuleika Lopez, dead at home. (Images: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children)
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